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Level 70 Sniper Guide [T4] PvP/PvE Guide

 Sniper 70 Logo
My level 60 skill build is here, should you need to see how I explain the skills. The only new skills I would talk about is the 65 passive and the level 32 EX skill.

Arrow Shower EX – Enhances Arrow Shower by making the casting speed even faster. Duration of the arrows that are released is also reduced but the damage you deal is more. You can also choose to cancel the skill halfway and release a final volley of arrows.
DNMMO has compiled on what Arrow Shower EX can do. I am not very sure if the insight of this skill on the page still applies but the post really explains a lot about Arrow Shower EX on how it changes and the 2 kinds of attack it can do.
Physical Attack Mastery – It just increases your physical attack by 10% permanently.
Hybrid 70 will the first and the remaining builds will talk about the changes I have made from the hybrid build.
As usual like I said the skill build is only used as a guide and there is no need to follow it completely.
Hybrid Skill Build
Changes made:
  • Twin Shot is now at max level for maximum damage and the fast cool down.
  • There was additional SP so level 1 for Mental Mastery and level 5 for Mental Recovery.
  • Since this is a hybrid build, I have still added Tracking Arrow to level 6 for the PvP part.
  • Siege Stance is level 11 and Arrow Shower is at 11 as I believe with the new EX it’s much much better for it to level higher.
  • Remaining SP was allocated to Ankle Shot.
  • Cheating Point is at level 7 for the damage. Should you prefer something else you can leave it at level 1 and the other 6 SP can be shuffled into the Archer skill tree but I don’t think there is anything else you can add.
Sniper Level 70 Hybrid Skill Build 1 Sniper Level 70 Hybrid Skill Build 2Sniper Level 70 Hybrid Skill Build 3

Pure PvE Build
Changes made:
  • Archer tree is the same as the hybrid build.
  • Scope Arrow is added to get Swift Shot for the mini i frame in Swift Shot.
  • Most of the Sniper skills have been maxed.
  • Ankle Shot is at level 5 since there is a lot of SP left.
  • If you do not want Ankle Shot at level 5 you can increase the level of Siege Stance and get a level ring for it.
Sniper Level 70 Pure PvE Skill Build 1 Sniper Level 70 Pure PvP Skill Build 2
Sniper Level 70 Pure PvE Skill Build 3
Pure PvP Build
Changes made:
  • Archer tree is the same as hybrid build.
  • Siege Stance is at level 6.
  • Arrow Shower is at 1, since most of the time you don’t really use it in PvP.
  • Tracking Arrows are at level 11 for PvP.
  • Ankle Shot is at level 8 to
Sniper Level 70 Pure PvP Skill Build 1 Sniper Level 70 Pure PvP Skill Build 2Sniper Level 70 Pure PvP Skill Build 3


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